coaching in the workplace
Triangulating for Perfect Resonance

What is the shape of your life? That was one question that caught my eye in the book ‘Life is in the Transitions’. Is it a line, a circle or a star? And if ever so often, life takes a sharp swerve, would you shape-shift to make new meaning in your life? These are deep questions, and I have often pondered to what extent do people rely on their life purpose as their compass for decision making? And in what way does one’s life shape and the characterization of the life story; whether of Agency, Belonging or Cause determine life purpose.

I was led to create my first life purpose statement by looking at the past. I remembered that during the workshop, I was asked to relate six stories of my life to a partner. From those narratives, a number of facilitated steps were taken to arrive at a sentence or two that might represent a first draft of my life purpose. It was an eye-opener, and that life purpose continued to stay with me till this day.

In my Co-Active coaching course recently, I was presented with a different methodology to arrive at the life purpose statement. This approach required you to visualize a number of different future scenarios, looking for clues as to what resonated; and assembling a metaphor that embodies what my life purpose might hold for me.

Both methods were highly personal journeys, one to the past while the other takes you into the future. What was amazing for me was that even though some years had elapsed between these two discrete events, there was a clear thread that somehow wove both life narratives into a coherent blend that brought out the essence and offering new perspectives in its fusion.

The picture I had in my mind was one whereby the vertices of this equilateral triangle are pulsing in unison as energy flows from one vertex to another in a never ceasing manner. And as the energy expands outwards, the triangle shape extends outwards; much like a pebble hitting the surface of calm water, albeit in a different shape.

I wondered if my triangle soundwaves had a colour, what colour might it be? Would it be the three primary colours of light at each vertex and as the light pulsed, it fuses and becomes a new colour each time, or would it be a single colour, but pulsing in all the shades thereof. Irrespective of the size and colour of the triangle, I am convinced that these three aspects are essential for a Thriving Life. Even though we may make shifts in our Life Purpose, Values and Vision as we travel through life, my instinct tells me that these adjustments merely changes the shade and intensity of the colour of our life; it does not alter our core. It is about moving closer to the best version of ourselves, and never departing from who we are at the centre of the triangle ~ the essence which makes me, me.

Life Purpose, Values and Vision are wholeness vertices that triangulate in perfect resonance.

Coach Tom Inquiry: How is the metaphor of a musical triangle helping you in triangulating your Life Purpose, Values and Vision?

You may also wish to check out Coach Tom’s first published Forbes article here.

Think to Thrive transformation
Coach Tom is an Official Member (2021) of the Forbes Coaches Council. Connect with Coach Tom here.

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