Covenant Blog 5:  The Meeting & Confrontation

Covenant Blog 5: The Meeting & Confrontation

Landing at the airport of this foreign land, Aubriet and felt utterly lost.  It was like going back decades in time.  The immigration process was as manual as it gets.  The decors on the walls looked like they were from a different century, the broken...
Covenant Blog 4: Aubriet meets Riadok

Covenant Blog 4: Aubriet meets Riadok

Mascon, a small town situated on the northern outskirts of Breceliande forest, was a bustle of activity this late afternoon.  Life continued almost normally for these townsfolk despite rumours of imminent war.  Children were busy playing their make-believe...
Covenant Blog 3: The Stonehenge

Covenant Blog 3: The Stonehenge

That weekend, Aubriet took a long drive southwards. He was headed to no other place than – Stonehenge. The distance from Grantham where Aubriet lived to Salisbury was 185 miles and took more than three hours to reach Stonehenge. It was relatively quiet for a weekend....
Covenant Blog 2:  The Calling

Covenant Blog 2: The Calling

“Have a seat, Aubriet.”  Desmond the Managing Director was a burly man. A little gruff and all business, he wasted no time in giving Aubriet the low-downs and current reality of the Joint Venture.  “It’s a frickin’ mess I’ll tell ya Aubriet.” Desmond...
Covenant Blog 1: The Awakening

Covenant Blog 1: The Awakening

Lightning cackled over Castle Camelot, the silhouette of Knight Aubriet stealthily moving across the Great Hall. He was making good time across the Courtyard, and towards the Castle Gate. He had set his heart on recovering Excalibur, and nothing was going to stop him....